Monday, November 2, 2015
9 am to 12 pm
Dogwood Room
Indiana Memorial Union
This will be a presentation from three specialists focusing on policies, recent statistical reports, and political debates.
Guest presenters will be introduced by Tracey Bradley, Graduate Recruiter at the IU College of Arts and Sciences.
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Indiana University
Director, Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society (CRRES)
Professor Okamoto will talk about current national and regional statistics related to Asian Americans in higher education, and report on social science research that explains the evolution and reproduction of the model minority stereotype. She will also address the affirmative action debate and the invisibility of Asian Americans in regard to policy.
Regional Co-Lead, Great Lakes Regional Network of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders
The Great Lakes Region Lead will present an overview of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and the Regional Network of Agencies and its outreach activities. Of specific interest will be the Initiative’s focus on improving access to AAPIs in Higher Education and other Minority programs. Attendees will have the opportunity ask questions following the panel presentation.
Principal Investigator & Project Director, UIC AANAPISI (Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution) Initiative
Clinical Assistant Professor, Asian American Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago
Dr. Su will talk about AANAPISI supported programs at UIC.
Q & A Session - 10:00 to 10:30 am
This session will feature a panel discussion on the model minority myth and the perpetual foreigner stereotype and their implications on identity and the experiences of AAPIs in higher education.
Panelists will be presented by Lisa Kwong, Adjunct Lecturer in the Asian American Studies Program. The discussion will be moderated by Maria Hamilton Abegunde, Director of The Graduate Mentoring Center and Visiting Lecturer in the Department of African American and African Diaspora Studies.
The Dangers of Falling Into the Trap of the Model Minority Myth
Director, Asian American and Asian Resource and Cultural Center, Purdue University
Director, Asian American Cultural Center, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Assistant Dean of Students, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Your English is Really Good! The Perpetual Foreigner Stereotype and Its Impact on Asian Americans
Associate Professor, Counseling & Counseling Psychology, Indiana University
Please join the College of Arts & Sciences, the Asian Culture Center, The Graduate Mentoring Center, the Asian American Studies Program, and the White House Initiative on AAPI for a critical conversation titled, “Asian American and Pacific Islander Experiences in Higher Education: A Forum on Policies and the Model Minority Myth.” This event will be held on Monday, November 2, 2015 from 9 am to 12 pm in the Indiana Memorial Union Dogwood Room.
According to recent research reports, now more than ever Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) students are experiencing problems achieving academic success in colleges and universities. This symposium examines how the model minority stereotype has obscured the very real struggles and challenges some Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders face in higher education and how it also resulted in AAPIs being seen as invisible minorities.
The perception of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in academia affects everything from students’ personal and academic experiences on the IU Bloomington campus to how campus-wide recruitment and admissions practices and policies are applied to this population. Panelists will discuss how existing policies have failed to recognize and address the needs of AAPI students because these policies are still tied to the misperception that all AAPI students are from affluent families, are bright, industrious, and well-behaved as well as academically well-prepared.
This forum will benefit those who are interested in learning about Asian American and Pacific Islander students and those who study with, teach, mentor, recruit, counsel, and work for strengthening the success of AAPIs at Indiana University.
Please indicate which parts of the forum you will attend by RSVPing: