Learn, Engage, & Act

Learn, Engage, & Act

There are so many different opportunities to recognize and honor the Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month for you and your families both at IU, in the Bloomington community, and beyond! We compiled some fun and creative ways to get engaged with Asian cultures and traditions, and collected an array of informative literature, podcasts, and films for learning. We hope these suggestions inspire you to participate in any programs near you, spark honest and deep conversations about the history and contributions of AAPIs, and serve as an advocate for the important concerns and issues affecting the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. 


Advocate on Behalf of AAPI's

  • Report anti-Asian incidents
  • Denounce racial violence, racial injustice, and inequity
  • Investigate policies and practices that harm the well-being of Asian American and Pacific Islanders
  • Debunk stereotypes such as the “model minority.” 
  • Include AAPIs in conversations about race. 


  • Attend AAPIHM events
  • Enroll in or audit an Asian American Studies course
  • Support and join Asian American and Pacific Islander organizations at IU
  • Host a conversation about an essay, article, or book review of fiction and nonfiction literature at the ACC
  • Learn traditional Asian crafts including making origami, Hawaiian Ribbon Lei, and more. 
  • Try cooking new Asian inspired cuisine and learn the stories behind the dish and spices. Would love to have you conduct a cooking demo at the ACC.

Interested in volunteering at the ACC to conduct one of these activities? If yes, please complete this form.

Explore & Learn