The following university departments are great resources for students.
Career Development Center
The Career Development Center is the gateway to career services on the IUB campus, providing students with a strong foundation for career development success.
Counseling and Psychological Services
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is a professionally staffed counseling service offering individual, group and couples counseling, as well as psychiatric consultation and treatment.
Division of Student Affairs
The Division of Student Affairs supports the academic mission of the University through student advocacy, services, and programs that promote the general welfare of students and foster a campus climate conducive to learning and responsible citizenship.
Office of International Services
At the Office of International Services, we are committed to helping international students and scholars achieve their goals—educational, personal, and professional.
Student Academic Center
At the Student Academic Center, we're here to help you develop learning strategies, perspectives, and behaviors you can use to transform your education and your future.
Writing Tutorial Services
Writing Tutorial Services offers students one-on-one help with any phase of the writing process—from brainstorming to revising the final draft. When you visit WTS, you'll find a tutor who is a sympathetic and helpful reader of your prose.
Health Coaching: Wellness: Student Health Center: Indiana University Bloomington
The student health center has certified health coaches ready to help students achieve any health and wellness goal they may have. Whether you’re struggling to adjust to college life, thinking about a new goal, or have been trying to make a health change for a while, our coaches are there to help you set goals and figure out how to make lasting changes.
Bias Incident Reporting
If you have experienced bias-based discrimination, we are here to support you. Get the help you need. Submit an incident report today!