Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2018
Rise: Reframing AAPI Narratives
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Opening Reception
Tuesday, March 27, 5:30-7 pm, at the
University Club President’s Room
Join us as we kick off the month-long celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month at IU Bloomington.
Sponsors: Asian Culture Center, Asian Pacific American Faculty and Staff Council, Office of the Vice Provost for Diversity and Inclusion, and Office of the VP for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
2018 Graduate Student Research/Creative Activity/Travel Awards
Friday, March 30, 5 p.m. EST Application Deadline:
Please submit all materials via
email. The Asian American Studies Program invites submissions from IUB College of Arts and Sciences graduate students (masters or PhD track) for research and creative activity grants to support projects relevant to Asian American and/or Asian Diaspora Studies.
Awardees will receive up to $500 to cover research and creativity expenses, such as travel related to data collection, travel to a conference to present awardee’s research findings/creativity activity, supplies, software, services, and other needs that are directly related to the proposed research or creative activity.
Sponsor: IUB Asian American Studies Program
AAA Conference, “Reaching New Heights”
Saturday, March 31, 11-7 p.m., at the
School of Global and International Studies.
The 4th annual Indiana Asian American Conference, "Reaching New Heights," will focus on AAPI representation in media and challenges in the workplace regarding visibility and stereotypes. This year’s keynote speaker is Jenny Yang, award-winning author, stand up comedian, and a White House Champion for Change for her work in diversity and representation efforts. The event will feature three workshops led by IU faculty and graduate students covering topics such as the model minority myth and stigma surrounding mental illness within the community. The cost of admission is $3 and all proceeds will go to Exodus Refugee Immigration, an Indianapolis-based organization working towards assisting refugees who are beginning anew in Indiana. Lunch and dinner will be provided with admission and attendance, including vegetarian and vegan options.
Sponsor: Asian American Association
Indian Student Association Formal
Saturday, March 31, 8 p.m., at the
President’s Hall (Franklin Hall).
This year’s ISA’s formal is a masquerade themed event! It will The evening will feature an Indian buffet and dancing to Bollywood and American music. We want to reach out to Indian American students as well as International students who miss music and food from home! For more information, please see
For more information, please see
Sponsor: Indian Student Association
Taiwan Day in Bloomington
Saturday, March 31
2:30 pm-6:00 pm Film screening “Monga” at the
Fine Arts AuditoriumRoom 102
6:00 pm- 7:00 pm Taiwan Night Market in the
Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center Grand Hall (A111)
This is a cultural event that features Taiwanese film, food, and games. Prof. Jeffrey Martin of University of Illinois will provide introductory remarks about the Taiwan gangster film, Monga, and lead a Q/A discussion after the screening. Following the film, experience Taiwanese-style street food and games in the SGIS Atrium.
For more information, please contact Prof. Yea-Fen Chen and Fei-Hsien at
Sponsor: East Asian Studies Center and IU Taiwanese Students Association
City Hall Display Case Celebrating AAPIHM
Beginning Monday, April 2, at the
City Hall Display Case
Explore the works of AAPI community members in Bloomington in this informative display throughout the month.
Sponsor: IU Asian Culture Center, City of Bloomington
Movement: Asian/Pacific America Film Series: “Mele Murals”
Monday, April 2, 7 p.m., at the
IU Cinema
Tad Nakamura’s film Mele Murals documents the transformative power of modern graffiti art and ancient Hawaiian culture for a new generation of Native Hawaiians. At the center of this story are artists Estria Miyashiro (aka Estria) and John Hina (aka Prime), a group of Native Hawaiian charter-school youth and the rural community of Waimea – all of whom confront the ill effects of environmental changes and encroaching modernization on their native culture.
Sponsors: IU Asian Culture Center, Asian American Studies Program, and IU Cinema
Asian American and Pacific Islander Talent Showcase
Wednesday, April 4, 5-6 p.m., at the
Indiana Memorial Union IMU Gallery
Join us at the union for a casual night of music, spoken word, and other performances. Bring your friends! Have a talent you want to share? Email us at!
Sponsors: IU Asian Culture Center and Indiana Memorial Union
Chinese Conversation Hour
Wednesday, April 4, 6-7 p.m., at
All language levels of Chinese and English welcome! Join us for Chinese/English Conversation Hours.
Sponsors: Chinese Flagship Student Association and Project Pengyou.
Indonesia on the Global Stage: Rosmalawati Chalid, Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia in Chicago
Thursday, April 5, 12:30-2:30 p.m.,at
Hodge Hall 2075
Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and one of the fastest growing economies. It is also a land of remarkable social, cultural, and environmental diversity. In her talk, the Consul General will analyze Indonesia’s role through Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in the region and on the world stage, while providing an informative overview of Indonesia’s current state of economic, social, and cultural affairs. For more information, visit
Sponsor: IU Southeast Asian Studies Program, School of Global and International Studies
Racism: Asians in Denial?
Friday, April 6, 8-10 pm,at
Student Building Room 150
This workshop and film screening will highlight the actions Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) are taking to tear down racism. A film screening of the 2018 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature "Abacus: Small Enough to Jail" will be shown, followed by a brief discussion of how the film combats racial disparity and oppression in the Asian communities (e.g., business, education, public health, film). In the end, we seek to facilitate a cross-cultural dialogue within and between participants to show that we have more commonalities than differences. Light refreshments will be served. This session will be moderated by Roy Y. Chan, special projects coordinator of IU 21st Century Scholars Program & Ph.D. candidate at the School of Education, Indiana University Bloomington.
Sponsors: IU School of Education, 21st Century Scholars Program
The Well-Tempered Clavier: A New Play Reading
Saturday, April 7, 3 pm, at
IU Department of Theatre and Dance Room A200
Join us for a reading of a new play by MFA candidate Kaela Mei-Shing Garvin. The Well-Tempered Clavier is an autiobiographical comedy about a Chinese American family over twenty years, four weddings, and a funeral. Matriarch Elaine believes her alignment with white American culture serves her, but as white Americans, Japanese Americans, and Mexican Americans marry into the family, the Chois confront their assimilation to white culture as it affects each of their relationships.
Sponsor: The Playwriting MFA Department
Korean Night
Saturday, April 7, 12:30-7 p.m., at
Wilkie Auditorium
This event will feature an array of exciting cultural activities and performances including a Neo-traditional Korean Music Ensemble Badi with Pansori singer Danhae Oh. The six members of “Badi” will bring a unique musical experience filled with modern and traditional harmonies.
Sponsor: East Asian Studies Center, School of Global and International Studies
Movement: Asian/Pacific America Film Series: “Motherland”
Saturday, April 7, 7 p.m., at the
IU Cinema
Motherland takes us into the heart of the planet’s busiest maternity hospital in one of the world’s poorest and most populous countries: the Philippines. The film’s viewer, like an unseen outsider dropped unobtrusively into the hospital’s stream of activity, passes through hallways, enters rooms and listens in on conversations. Three women—Lea, Aira and Lerma—emerge to share their stories with other mothers, their families, doctors and social workers. While each of them faces daunting odds at home, their optimism, honesty and humor suggest a strength that they will certainly have to summon in the years ahead.
Sponsors: IU Asian Culture Center, Asian American Studies Program, and IU Cinema
Movement: Asian/Pacific America Film Series: “Gook”
Sunday, April 8, 6:30 p.m., at
IU Cinema
Eli and Daniel, two Korean American brothers who own a struggling women's shoe store, have an unlikely friendship with 11-year-old Kamilla, an African-American child. On the first day of the 1992 L.A. riots, the trio must defend the store while contemplating the meaning of family and thinking about personal dreams and the future.
Sponsors: IU Asian Culture Center, Asian American Studies Program, and IU Cinema
Poetry, Books & Jams Slam
Monday, April 9, 7:30 pm at
Teter Nest
Whether it's poetry, song, selections, or a speech, we are eager to see voices heard, and see change on campus through the efforts of those who have stake in it. If interested in performing, complete this form by March 30th:
The goals for the Poetry, Books and Jams are to host a diverse set of voices present on campus from a variety of demographics, pursue respect on campus through language and performance art, discuss both discrimination and identities on campus, and address elements of oppression that still persist within our own languages.
Sponsor: Respect committee from Culture of Care (CoC)
Chinese Tea Ceremony Demonstration and Workshop
Tuesday, April 10, 4-5 pm at
IU Asian Culture Center
More and more people are starting to realize the health benefits of green tea. During this Chinese Tea Workshop, participants will learn how to properly brew green tea. The demonstration will consist of two parts: whisking tea - a way of brewing Matcha green tea - and modern tea art of green tea brewing. This workshop will be led by Yuexin Li, a second-year Master’s student in Arts Administration.
Sponsor: IU Asian Culture Center
Launching of Whereabouts: Asian American Midwest Radio
Tuesday, April 10
This is a collaborative program between WFHB community radio and IU Asian Culture Center. The purpose of the program is to build a forum for discussion and dialogue around issues of importance to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Bloomington and in South Central Indiana. We hope to offer the community a unique voice, centered upon the experiences of Asian Americans. The 30 minute show is
a mix of live radio, recorded interviews/content segments (e.g., edited lectures/discussions, slam poetry, etc.), and music. It will be aired every other Tuesday at 5:30 to 6 pm.
Sponsors: WFHB Community Radio and IU Asian Culture Center
Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling: Celebrating Asian Pacific American Success in the Law
Thursday, April 12, 4-5:30 pm (panel), 5:30-7 pm (networking) at
IU Maurer School of Law Room 125
Please join us for an exciting panel that will comprise of Judge Mike Witte, the first Asian American judge in Indiana, Nick Huang, President of the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Indiana, Haroon Anwar, Maurer Alum and associate at Faegre Baker Daniels, LLP, and Lun Pieper from the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office! We will be discussing the different stereotypes that Asian Pacific Americans encounter in the legal field and ways we can empower each other to overcome them. Dinner will be provided and a networking reception to follow!
Sponsor: Asian Pacific American Law Student Association at IU
DestinAsian Chicago: Learning on the Road
Friday and Saturday, April 13 and 14
DestinAsian Chicago: Learning on the Road” will provide IU students an opportunity to explore the very concept of “Asian America” and will examine the local and global forces that shape the heterogeneous lives of Asian Americans today. We will explore the topics of Asian American history, immigration, activism, and the arts through meetings, lectures, and cultural tours. Participants will learn first-hand aspects of Asian immigration history in Chicago and the Midwest. We also hope to establish relationships with AAPI leaders involved with nonprofits, academics, government, and the arts. Highlights of the trip will include an AAPI neighborhood, cultural and culinary tour, a panel with students and administrators from the University of Illinois at Chicago, a panel and tour with the Japanese American Historical Society, and a meeting with Asian Americans Advancing for Justice. This event is sponsored by the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President, Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, IU Asian Culture Center, the Asian American Studies Program, CommUNITY Education Program (RPS), Academic Programs Committee (RPS), and the Residence Hall Association.
To apply, go to
Applications due March 26
Sponsors: Asian Culture Center and CommUNITY Education Program (RPS)
Bengali Night 2018
Sunday, April 15, 4 - 6 pm at
IMU Alumni Hall
This is the celebration of Bengali New Year by
representing Bengali culture and festivals on this day through traditional
music, fashion shows, dances, recitations, and plays. Bengali is a language of
268 million people over the world; most are from Bangladesh and India. At IU
there are students, faculties, staffs and their families whose native language
is Bengali and they celebrate the first day of Bengali Calendar as Pahela
Sponsor: Bangladesh Student Association
Asian and Latin American Fusion
Monday, April 16, 7-8 pm at
La Casa
Cooking Demonstration - Chifa. Chifa is culinary tradition based on Chinese Cantonese elements fused with traditional Peruvian ingredients and traditions. Though originating in Peru, the Chifa tradition has been adopted by neighboring countries like Ecuador and Bolivia.
Sponsor: La Casa, Latino Cultural Center
End of the Year Student Recognition
Tuesday, April 17, 6-7:30 pm at
IMU Tudor Room
The Student Recognition Banquet is a three-in-one annual celebration held to recognize graduating students as new IU alumni, to recognize the Asian and Asian American student leaders at IU for their contributions to the university, and to appreciate the volunteers of the ACC. By invitation only.
Sponsor: IU Asian Culture Center, OVPDEMA, IU Asian Alumni Association
Korean Conversation Club- KCC International Potluck Party
Saturday, April 21, 6-8 pm at
GISB 2067
KCC is having an international potluck! We encourage you all to bring cultural food, but any contribution would be appreciated! If you're attending, please fill out the form at this link: with your name and what you're bringing so that we can make sure that we'll have a variety of different food and that we will have enough for everyone!
Sponsor: Korean Conversation Club
Sounds of Asian America: Performances from the Midwest
Thursday, April 26, 4:30 pm at
IMU State Room East
Join us for an evening of music and storytelling as three cellists perform pieces and share their personal experiences as Asian American artists living in the Midwest. The performers hope that this cello performance will serve as a platform to reveal a part of the Asian-American artistic experience. They are sharing part of their stories as artists in the Midwest, through the lens of Asian American women from the East Coast. The trio will play four pieces interspersed with episodes of spoken word. Each performer has been greatly shaped by their experiences in the Midwest, influencing who they are now and who they will become in the future. This concert will feature Jacobs School of Music students Kara Cheng, Lindsay Cheng, and Crystal Kim. Special thanks to videographer, Tianyu Wang of IU Media School and to creative writers including Soleil David of IU MFA Program.
Sponsor: IU Jacobs School of Music’s Entrepreneurship and Career Development and IU Asian Culture Center
Asian American Studies Recognition Reception
Friday, April 27, 11-1 pm at
The College of Arts & Humanities Institute (CAHI)
Featuring AAST student honorees and special presenters, readings, and screenings.
Sponsor: Asian American Studies Program